blog showing how to use castor oil for new moms and baby

How to Use Organic Cold-Pressed Castor Oil for New Mom's Care?

Becoming mom is such a quick transitional phase that a mother goes through a lot to handle. That feeling to accept the transformation in body, that first kick feel and all that experiences that pregnancy brings can be overwhelming for a new mother or to-be-mom. During pregnancy, women are pampered and taken care of as it is believed that happy moms brings healthy and happy babies into the world. Keeping mental stress at bay and giving her healthy environment is important but how can the to-be-mom and new mom be taken care physically hold equal importance and that is where Organic Cold-Pressed Castor Oil plays crucial role in taking care of new moms along with to-be-moms.

Check Out how Organic Cold-Pressed Castor Oil can be used for New Mom's Care.

Castor Oil for Head Massage

During pregnancy you get feeling of good hair days as your estrogen levels are high. But as soon as postpartum period starts you start experiencing hair loss as estrogen levels lows down in that phase. And that's why during postpartum period, adding head massage in your routine for initial months becomes crucial as during this phase the hair strands becomes weak and it needs extra care. 

Giving head massage by organic cold-pressed castor oil makes your hair stronger, thicker and adds glossy shine to your hair. It improves your hair texture and prevents scalp dryness or dandruff. Just mix coconut oil and organic castor oil in equal portion according to your hair length then warm it and massage gently on your hair and scalp with tip of your fingers.

Castor Oil for New Mom Body Massage

New moms body undergoes through a series of different experience altogether be it physiological, hormonal, body strength etc while giving birth to the baby. And to bring your body, emotions and mental health to a healing balance alike pre-pregnancy state, one needs complete rest in first 6-8 weeks of postpartum.

It's essential for women to receive postpartum care that helps her recover quick after child-birth. Giving body massage to new moms helps them recover quick and helps them in healing as oil massage relieves pain, reduces swelling, increases milk production and elevates mom's mood while reducing stress.

>> Cold-Pressed Castor Oil Body Massage Recipe:
  • Mix coconut oil, almond oil and castor oil in equal proportion.
  • Warm them together and use it for body massage.

Castor Oil Massage helps in relieving joint and muscle pains. Also it aids in getting the glow back leaving radiant and moisturised skin.

Castor Oil for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks develop from excessive skin stretching over a brief period of time. Your skin's collagen breaks down during the procedure, resulting in stretch marks. Not a single stretch marks cream guarantees that you will not get stretch marks or it can cure already existing stretch marks. Isn't it? Then why waste your hard earned money in futile products. Go back to ayurveda and choose all natural and organic cold-pressed castor oil by EriCare to prevent stretch marks from your first trimester of pregnancy itself.

Castor oil should be applied morning and night to stretch marks. Apply a generous amount of this oil to your stretch marks and massage it in gently. The main advantage of using castor oil for stretch mark is that due to presence of ricinoleic acid in it, it provides skin elasticity with its deep moisturizing properties, which will relieve any itching and prevent the drying out of your stretch marks. Hydrating your skin and keeping it moisturized will help stretch marks become less apparent over time.

Castor Oil for Facial Massage

During this phase of pregnancy to postpartum a woman's body and face goes through a lot of transformation. Few find their skin glowing in pregnancy, other find it that their skin is darkening. Also few may find fine lines or loosing skin elasticity during pregnacy. So along with body massage, facial massage is important. Just take 2-3 drops of ericare before going to bed and apply evenly on your skin while gently massaging it. You will see a natural radiance on you skin and this will eventually help in elevating your skin health. Please note if you have oily skin just use this oil in face mask or ubtan rather than applying it directly.

Have you used castor oil in your postpartum and pregnancy period?  If yes, share your experience in comment.



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