Lack of moisture in hair is the main cause of frizzy hair. This causes the cuticle, the hair's outermost layer, to become rough and elevated. When the cuticle is lifted, moisture from the environment can enter the hair shaft, resulting in the swelling and frizzing of the individual hair strands. Also, this is why you may observe humidity making the frizzy hair even more worse.
In some cases, it is due to natural texture of hair like curly and wavy hair types, they are more prone to frizz and dryness because of the natural oils produced by the scalp have a harder time penetrating down the hair shaft. Also if you are kind of a person who likes experimenting on hair with different haircare brands, hair colour, highlights etc this may also lead eventually to frizzy hair. No matter what has caused frizzy hair, but still it can be cured and managed by proper care and best effective home remedies.
Here are the Top 10 Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair:
1. Cold-Pressed Castor Oil Hair Mask
You Need:
Organic EriCare (Cold-Pressed Castor Oil/ Eranda ka Tel)
Amla Powder
Heena Powder
Mix all below ingredients in a bowl ( Adjust the quantity as per your hair growth)
2 Tablespoon of Organic Cold-Pressed Castor Oil, Aloevera extract, Tablespoon of Heena Powder
1 Tablespoon of Amla Powder
and apply this to your hair with help of hair brush.
Leave it for an hour and wash your hair thereafter.
2. Fenugreek Powder & Honey
You Need:
Fenugreek Powder
Mix 3 Tablespoon of Honey in 2 Tablespoon of Fenugreek Powder and apply it slowly to your each hair strands. Let it remain for an hour and then rinse off. You will see the difference in one application. According to numerous experts, It reduces hair thinning and dandruff. Additionally, it works to clean natural hair giving frizz free hair.
3. Avacado Mask for Hair (Src: Avocados from Mexico)
Avacados are rich in potassium, amino acids and good fatty acids boosting hair growth and unclogging the hair follicles. Avacados include nutrients that seal the cuticle in addition to proteins and vitamins that will nourish and soften hair.
You Need:
Ripen Avacado
Cold-Pressed Eranda ka Tel
Blend half an avocado and a 3 Tablespoon of Cold-Pressed Aranda Tel.
After mixing in a bowl with a fork, only apply the mixture to the split ends.
Give it a half-hour to fully appreciate this one, Sip Lemonade while you wait.
"A layer of Organic Cold-Pressed Castor oil will add extra shine and softness to overcome the damaged hair."
4. Hot Towel Treatment (Src: Her Zindagi)
You Need:
- Castor Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Almond Oil
- Vitamin E Capsule
- Hot Water
- Towel
- Add equal parts of castor oil, coconut oil and almond oil to a bowl. To that, add 1 capsule of vitamin E, and stir well.
- From the scalp to the tips, apply this concoction.
- Take Hot water in Bucket.
- In the water, soak your towel.
- Wrap a heated cloth around your hair and keep it for 30 mins.
- Remove towel & now put your hair up in a ponytail or a braid.
- Use a gentle shampoo to wash your hair then.
5. Hot Hair Massage Oil
You Need:
Castor Oil
Coconut Oil
Almond Oil
Take a Pan and heat the mixture of Almond, Coconut & Cold-Pressed Castor Oil. Hot oil hair massage not only reduces frizz but also helps in moisturizing dry scalp and curing dandruff.
6. Aranda Oil with Olive Oil
You Need:
Good Quality Olive Oil
Best Virgin Castor Oil
Just mix equal portion of amount and apply it overall to scalp and all hair strands.
Aranda Oil is a thick oil with high viscosity making it a little difficult to apply.
Mixture of Aranda & Olive is the perfect combination as olive oil is light oil making it ideal for a good mix.
7. Hibiscus Hair Spray
Hibiscus is enriched with prime building block of Keratin: Amino Acids. Keratin is the protein that your body produces naturally leading healthy Hair, Skin & Nails. Additional Keratin can improve the condition of hair and prevent damage.
You Need:
Hibicus Flowers (8-10)
Rose Water
Eranda Tel
Take a Pan
Put all flowers in pan and add half cup of water. Boil it till all the flowers shrink and fades its colour while uniting with water; creating a stick thick concoction.
Strain and remove the flowers. Fill this in a spray bottle and add equal part of rose water to it with 2 drops of Castor oil. You can store this concoction for 5-7 days.
Take splits and spray it every morning for frizz free hair. This spray will work as a conditioner all day.
8. Curd Mask
You Need:
Sour Curd
1 Lemon
Take curd and add 1 lemon to it. Churn it well and apply it the way one applies heena to hair.
The lactic acid in curds aids in hair follicle growth, scalp cleansing, removal of dead skin cells, and cleaning of pores and hair follicles. It functions as a natural conditioner that provides the hair follicles with great hydration and nourishment, strengthening them for frizz free hair. You will see the change in frizziness of your hair in just one application.
9. Flax Seeds Hair Gel
Over medium heat, bring the flax seeds and water to a boil.
Stir frequently to keep it from sticking to the pan.
Check around 5-7 mins after the boil, if the mixture becomes sleemy, just remove from heat.
If using collagen, add it before it cools.
If using any other ingredients, add it thoroughly to combine.
Strain it through cheesecloth and fill in a bottle.
In the refrigerator, keep for up to two weeks.
This formula of Arnold's flaxseed gel is amazing for frizzy hair.
10. Rice Water for Frizzy Hair
You Need:
Organic Uncooked Rice
There are 2 ways to make rice water for hair.
- Uncooked Rice
- take ½ cup of uncooked rice
- rinse thoroughly
- Add 3 cups of water to it
- leave to soak for 30 minutes-1hour
- strain the rice water into a clean bow
2. Cooked Rice
- Boil 3 cups of Water
- Add ½ cup of uncooked rice to it
- Let it boil a little then strain it.
How to Use?
- Shampoo your hair
- Rinse throughly
- Apply Rice water to wet hair
- Leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse throughly.
It is believed historically that rice water may improve the strength, texture, frizziness and growth of hair.
Do try the method that is convenient to you and let us know in comment which home remedy helped you in treating frizzy hair.